Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Simply the Bust!

Hmm as if the worry of finishing the final year of my degree wasn't enough, I know have an even bigger on earth I'm going to afford these stunning candles from Cire Trudon. The candle maker is an amazing 368 years old and is responsible for lighting the homes of  Marie Antoinette, Louix XIV and  Napoleon Bonaparte, good enough for me! These bust candles are available in different designs and colours and range from around £55 to about £90. Each one is moulded on original sculputures held in French museums, so you've got your own piece of history sat right in your very own lounge! Better start saving...

Alexandre in Stone - £66.50

The Liberated Slave in Ivory - £87

Marie Antoinette in Marble Grey - £56.50

Louise in Rose - £66.50


  1. they are very lovely though. :o)

  2. How stunning,I have not ever seen these before and thought they were just beautiful,hopefully you will be blessed and won one very soon,have you got a grand piano to place it upon lol or a gorgeous mantle?

  3. Definitely could do with a grand piano, or anything grand really! Am kind of hoping my bedside table will have the same effect...
